Simmonds Lumber Your Premium Lumber Supplier

Ideal for Sheeting


Oriented Strand Board (OSB) is the most used structural board for timber framed buildings in many parts of the world (e.g. USA and Europe) having replaced plywood and particleboard in most applications. SimBrace® is made of 100% fresh pinewood from thinnings of PEFC/FSC® certi#ed sustainable forests. The strands are glued together with formaldehyde-free binders – this means SimBrace® can be used for food packaging applications. SimBrace® is a durable, high quality, environmentally sustainable and innovative structural bracing panel which has been designed and manufactured speci#cally for the Australian Building and Construction market. SimBrace® is CE Certi#ed under EN 13986 and produced in accordance with EN 300. Ask about our FSC® products. FSC® material available on request - License Code: FSC-C003273

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Why Choose Simmonds Lumber ? 

Simmonds is a premier Wholesaler of a wide range of timber products for the housing industry, commercial construction, home renovations, and industrial markets.

Products are sourced from Australia, New Zealand, Asia and North & South America in order to provide customers with the right solution for their needs.

Simmonds has offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland and Surabaya and was the first company in the world to use DNA technology to certify the legality and provenance of timber imported from Indonesia.

An industry leader, Simmonds has worked closely with organisations such as Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund and is at the forefront of using technology to provide exceptional customer value.